BCCI The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday November 2, 2015
The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:04 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour

Attendance (17  members): Christine Burton, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Jenny & Michael Catton, , Shawn Mealey
Doris Avery, Mary Curl, Bev Pope, Marta Nettelfield, Paul and Judy Wilcox, Anne McDougall, Cindy Thomas, Mike & Mellissa Mathers, Tammy Ranta

Reminder: A quick reminder that there is a prize at the end of the year for everyone that has attended a meeting, served on the exec or a committee. You get one entry for every meeting attended, committee served on or exec position. They go into a hat at the end of the year and a name is drawn.


Dave: Everyone should of had time to read last month's meeting minutes. Are there any errors or omissions?

Dave: I move the minutes be accepted as written.  Christine  seconded.

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None

Programme: Lillian:

Treasurer’s Report Kim Long
Mary: Kim sent me her report as she cannot attend tonight

Show Committee 

Publicity:  Rich Tarrington   (not in attendance) No report

Trophy Committee: Anne McDougall  

Awards Committee: Kristi Wagg (not in attendance) No report

Dave: As Rick is not here we will move on to membership



Membership: Doris Avery

Discipline Committee: 

Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield  - No report

Fund Raising Committee:

Dave: As we are not dealing with nominations and Debbie is not here so we will move on to general correspondence
Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas

Good & Welfare: Lillian Wainright

Old Business:  


New Business: None


Meeting Schedules 2015:
Exec meetings: Jan 28, Feb 25, Apr 1, Apr29, May 27, Sept 2, Sept 30, Oct 28, Dec 2, Dec 30

Regular meetings: Feb 2, Mar 2, Apr 6, May 11, Jun 1 (& AGM), Sept 14, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7





In response to the many inquiries from Breed Clubs and individual breeders, we wanted to provide you with a brief statement in advance of more formal communications with your clubs and membership and our group going online on Facebook and a website in November.  The CVBC’s process with their Bylaws went faster than they disclosed to us as recently as last month. The revisions they had indicated would take until the end of the year were scrapped and they went with the original version, which meant they came into force almost immediately without further notice. This has left us playing catch up to a degree as we had planned our online presence to go live at the end of November.  We have moved up the timetable and information will start moving by next week and online will happen by mid November.

We will be commencing litigation in this matter, seeking relief from the BC Supreme Court to have section 231 of the CVBC Bylaws set aside on a number of different grounds, based on principles of administrative law. These are technical, legal arguments, dealing with the propriety of how the CVBC chose to draft and implement this legislation and do not touch on the merits of cropping dogs in any way. That is not a battle we can easily win, but we can win this battle as the CVBC was legally sloppy in how they handled this.  We had to wait until the legislation was actually declared into force and effect before review of it could be sought in Court. Legal counsel at the firm of Borden Ladner Gervais, LLP has been retained. We are advised that we have an excellent chance to have this legislation set aside.  The CVBC could very well appeal the decision, but as a matter of law, we have the stronger argument. There are never any guarantees when you go to court, but if we want to continue to be able to crop our dogs in this Province, this is our best shot.

We will be commencing a major fundraising campaign to pay for this legal action and will distribute information through the Breed Clubs and with a Facebook page and website. There will be a PayPal link set up and also a P.O. Box to send cheques to.  All funds raised are going to be held in the lawyer’s trust account and a full accounting will be available.  A more complete information letter will be coming to the Clubs next week and the membership immediately thereafter.  We are just getting our online presence established first so we are in a position to go live once the notices go out.  Thank you for your patience! More to follow soon.